I just got done getting the final distribution done for the audiobook version of THE REVENANT AND THE TOMB. It will be available March 31st, 2022. Retail price, according to the information I have, will be $5.99 (USD).
I set the date way out because I had no idea when the cover art would be completed. And, of course, an hour later...the cover art was done.
Narrated by: Pete Mac.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PeteMacmovies
Music: "Mysterious Forest" by Howard Harper-Barnes.
Book Cover Design: Helping Authors Everyday
Intro Graphic: "Frankie Views Eaufen Mirrinholm for the First Time"
By: Zach Bradley
Twitter: @Zach_DB
----- Herman P. Hunter -----
Website: http://www.hphunterwriter.com
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Facebook: herman.hunter.7359
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