I finished Chapter 17 of my current #wip , and started Chapter 18. Even in it's rough form, it's a good chapter - grim and gritty. At this rate, I should be done with the rough draft before the end of the year.
I got lots of ideas for the next book, and will probably start on it not long after this book is done.
Narrated by: Pete Mac.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PeteMacmovies
Music: "Mysterious Forest" by Howard Harper-Barnes.
Book Cover Design: Helping Authors Everyday
Intro Graphic: "Frankie Views Eaufen Mirrinholm for the First Time"
By: Zach Bradley
Twitter: @Zach_DB
----- Herman P. Hunter -----
Website: http://www.hphunterwriter.com
You can also find me at the following social media sites:
Twitter: @HermanPHunter1
Facebook: herman.hunter.7359
Gab: @HpHunterWriter
Gettr: @hphunterwriter
Minds: @HpHunterWriter