The last revisions to the novella passed QA (the wife).
I had some issues with a few chapters, and the beta readers both got tripped up on a few things. So I had to shore a few things up in the story. I'm also going to pull a couple of things from the next-to-last chapter before I send this off to the editor.
I had hoped to be able to snd my manuscript off last week, however, both I and my wife work. When I revise stuff, I generally don't do a read-through myself as I'll only see what I want to see. I find it better to have fresh eyes review changes. So I have to rely on my wife to page through a few chapters. Not easy when you're usually asleep by 8:30pm (not me - my wife).
Now I have to contact the editor and see when she can look at it. I need to do two editing passes (line edit and a proofread) before I can put all of this to bed.
After that, I do a formal copyright on the manuscript and get the artist started on the cover.
A lot of the time it takes to do stuff is really out of my hands. But I'm pushing along.
Also, I'm working on a bunch of subscriber content at present. These will be videos with scrolling text, and I'm thinking the first few will be a few short essays on the cultures and people of my literary world. So keep a lookout for new uploads.
Narrated by: Pete Mac.
Music: "Mysterious Forest" by Howard Harper-Barnes.
Book Cover Design: Helping Authors Everyday
Intro Graphic: "Frankie Views Eaufen Mirrinholm for the First Time"
By: Zach Bradley
Twitter: @Zach_DB
----- Herman P. Hunter -----
You can also find me at the following social media sites:
Twitter: @HermanPHunter1
Facebook: herman.hunter.7359
Gab: @HpHunterWriter
Gettr: @hphunterwriter
Minds: @HpHunterWriter